Mental Hiking
Learning is a lot like hiking. At each step, it is important to have sure footing. In this online learning module, you will take a short intellectual hike—mostly through unfamiliar areas.
At each step in this hike, certain information will be presented for your study. Study carefully. |
Then, you will be asked to answer a question about the information you have just studied. You cannot continue to the next step until you have “gotten your footing” on the current one. |
Module Topic: Introduction to the Design Argument
Approximate Study Time: 1 hour
- Take your time! You can take as much time as you need to study carefully. Take a break at any step.
- Complete this module in a single Web session. Leave your browser open for as long as it takes to complete this module, otherwise you will have to start over.
- Only use the Next Step and Continue buttons to move from one step to the next.
- Use the Backpack. Click the green Backpack button at the left edge of the page to access special resources for this module.
- Explore side trails if you want. Whenever you see
“>>>” in the text, you can click the link to take an optional side trail to study a topic in more detail. When you are done, close the side-trail window to return to the main path.
- Click the Next Step button to continue your learning hike.

Portions of this online learning module are based on or adapted from material origionally published elsewhere:
Howard Kahane, Logic and Philosophy, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, CA, 1969.
David A. Conway and Ronald Munson, The Elements of Reasoning, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, Belmont, CA, 2000, Third edition.
Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker, Critical Thinking, Mayfield Publishing Company,
Mountain View , CA, 1995, Fourth edition.
Theodore Schick, Jr. and Lewis Vaughn, How to Think About Weird Things (Critical Thinking for a New Age), Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View, CA, 1995.
Elliott Sober, Core Questions in Philosophy, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2005.